MyoBuddy Pro Massager®
Intention Cards
For any Special Occasion and/or Holidays Give the gift to show you care by remembering their special day with a holistic massage therapy session. Chose from many designs - Birthday, New Birth, Anniversary, Retirement, Job Well Done, Teacher Appreciation, Employee Appreciation Day, Nurses' Wellness Day,
When to use it?
Circulatory Massage helps
Who will benefit from a MyoBuddy Pro Massager ®
A holistic healthcare approach that looks at the whole person: which BodyTalk System™ calls WholeHealthcare®. Learn about how the body and mind work through the eyes of the Man who developed this modality in the mid 1990's. This book will expand you ideas to what works in a gentle and non-invasive manner which helps to uncover the story that the body wants balanced to reveal the underlying causes for dis-ease.
This is a multi-disciplined approach blended and integrated together for optimal functioning. When you injure your body and mind, it goes into sympathetic nervous system stress response called fight or flight mode. It will show you techniques in how to bring the body mind back into parasympathetic nervous system - calmness. This basic energy techniques can bring your brain into balance for children to seniors to improve memory, health, well-being and pain relief, learning disorders, stuck emotions and transformation on those who wanting to get well.
Book- $15.00 Plus Sales Tax, S&H
These cards are educational and inspirational tool that can be used everyday. Living an intentional life is easier when we have these beautiful cards, with Hawaiian names, and translation to use when during a morning ritual or healing session. Each card is definitely empowering insight has and an healing intention. It comes with 115 page book too. They are designed by Donna Elizabeth Jason to be used with Reiki, massage and other healing sessions.
Hawaiian Healing Intentional Cards.
44 Oracle Cards & Guidebook- $24.00 Plus Sales Tax, S&H
This book includes 19 authors who are sharing their Personal Stories of Triumph and Transformation through the Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Lisa Seward, shares her remarkable healing journey from trauma to wellness and to heal a procedure that she had when she was twelve years old. After a series of traumatic events from age 10-37years old, Lisa began an integrated healing approach to discover which modalities worked for her to learn how to heal from the inside out journey. Read Chapter 17- 'An Integrated Approach - The Road Less Traveled' to find the path she took to get well. BodyTalk System™, Craniosacral, Lymphatic Drainage, and other healing modalities came into her life to help her learn how to relax for the very first time, and to self-heal, which has been her lifelong journey.
"Even though the event happened when I was twelve with energy medicine that chronic pain was still in my body. I was able to be released it years later. I feel this was the blessing for me to be led to FL and to train in massage therapy and in energy work over 30 years ago. Now my journey to healing can help others reach that place too! "
She may even inspire you to get well too! She is a FL Licensed Massage Therapist
Book-$15.95. Plus Sales Tax, S & H or Digital Version-$7.95.
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